Tuesday, July 29, 2008



I have twenty years experience teaching high school, college, and professional actors use of voice and speech with classical and modern text.

My training is Cicily Berry based. But I also have been trained by Lessac, Alexander, and Linklater instructors. I use all influences in my sessions.

My interest is to make my sessions affordable so that the actor will be able to stay with the process as long as they wish.


My preference is to work with the actor as early as possible before the audition. At least a couple of days if not more.  The reason for this is I want to point out given circumstances the actor may have overlooked in their early learning of the monologue or side. I want the actor to take the choices I present as suggestion rather than direction, then take the process we used in the session or sessions home and use the time before the audition to make their own informed choices. The goal is that they will own and be connected to the work by the time they get to the audition.


I learned from my two greatest teachers and mentors, Peter Miner and Robert Perillo, that, in the end, it is the actor's work on stage. Not the coach's. For this reason, I do not publicize the names of the people who come to me for coaching. It is my experience that I have learned from every teacher, actor or director with whom I've worked.  For me to claim even partial credit for any actor's success seems somehow absurd.

The decision to share that I worked with you is yours not mine.

Private Session (or two students): $20 per one hour session.
 (These can be voice, audition prep, or scene study sessions.)

Workshops for three or more: $30--90 minute session. ($10 for each additional scheduled half hour.)

If interested, please contact me at johnarthurlewis@hotmail.com